Ux/Ui β€’ Product Design β€’ YSDN


A portable device that allows users to quickly detect allergens in food. Its purpose is to provide additional information to the consumer about the food they are about to eat.

Team: Bernarda Avila, Rangavi Logaratnam, Luisa Jahn


AllerPets is a device for parents and guardians with children who have severe allergies.


An allergy is the body’s overreaction to a normally harmless substance. Children are the most vulnerable to these allergies. 8% of children are affected by food allergies, but most children will outgrow these allergies by the time they become adults. Allergies can range in severity from minor (skin irritation) to major (death). This can be scary for parents and guardians to send their children by themselves into public settings where they are exposed to many different foods.

Our Challenge

A way for parents/guardians and children to be comfortable with allergies in a public setting.


A smart device that allows users to scan their food for any allergens (substance that can cause an allergic reaction) that the user is sensitive to. This device does not act as a prevention but another layer of protection for the user. AllerPets is customizable on many levels. It uses chemical reactions to detect the proteins of certain allergens that is programmed for that device. Users are also able to choose the colour of their device or a fun case to make it more fun and friendly.

The Device

Once ordering and customizing the AllerPet device online, users setup their device on their app before they can start using it. The following are the steps the users need to follow to use and maintain the AllerPet device.

The AllerPet Kit

The AllerPets device comes in a kit with all the essentials to help users maintain and use the device. This kit makes it easier to carry around the device and accessories and more enjoyable.

Features of AllerPets Device.

AllerPets device comes with many features to help users of all ages understand how to use the device.

Learn and Buy

Users may use the website to learn more about the AllerPets device as well as buy the device online. The website allows users to explore what AllerPets has to offer. It will also show users if AllerPets is a good fit for them.


Welcome to AllerPets

Before purchasing the device, users can see if their allergy is in our system. This makes sure that the user is suited to use the device.

The colours and animations also reflect the fun and playful feel we want the viewers to feel. This draws the attention of the children, which will encourage them to use the device.


Accessable Information

The website explains how the device works, as well as what the kit will include. There is an interactive aspect to the website so that the user feels like they are a part of the experience.


Interactive Aspects

Users can click through and slide for more information about the device. The website has many interactive aspects to it. The website has a clean look, there are lots of images as well to help users understand and not overwhelm them.


Easily Purchase

Purchasing the device is simple and shows users images of what they can potentially purchase.


The device is used by the children but the app is a tool for the parents/guardians. The app allows the parent/guardian keep updated on the details of the scans and is also used as a tool to maintaining the device. The app is also a tool for them to find out more about allergies and to reassure them that their child is safe.


Sleek Onboarding 

Easy to follow onboarding. The simple and sleek onboarding helps users with setting up their device and getting them started on the app. The animations introduce the fun and inviting design of the app.


Easily Find your Pet  

It’s easy to misplace things, but with the app, you can locate your device by using the location feature on the app. It will show where the device was last located and navigate you to the location.


Get Notified for Scans

Notifications on when the device is used and detected an allergen. You can see what day the device was used on the calendar and the details of the scans in the notes section.

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Easy to Follow Recipes 

Using the recipe feature, you can look up meals that your children with allergies can eat. For example, cookies without eggs or nuts. Easy to use and follow along.


From this project I was able to experience working in a team. Brainstorming and solving problems together. Throughout this process we learned how to collaborate, our biggest challenge was finding a time in everyones schedules where we were all available. Even with everyones busy schedules we were able to get together and work together to get the job done.

This project has also allowed me to really push my boundaries. We brainstormed many times to figure out how it would all come together. We had to think about how the user would interact with the device, from buying the device to maintaining the device. This allowed us to also look into the perspective of the user and how they would interact with the device.


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